As always, I am curious about your opinion and I hope
that others will respect mine, as this issue is not a matter of political
parties for me, but a network of wider and greater correlations.
I really hope, that those who are here for years now,
are far beyond the parties’ divisions and do not make their decision based on
the TV, some posters or XY’s words, but on their consciousness and knowledge.
Now I am telling you my opinion… What is more I start
with it, so those who are only curious about this will not have to read the
other thoughts, however I hope you will not ignore them nor leave them without
a comment.
To the referendum to be held on the 2st of October
2016. about the colonisation of near eastern and african immigrants and their
obligatory reception:
<<< Don't risk! Vote for NO
Those who
know me or read my articles long time ago know very well, that I always cared
about the fallen and vulnerable people, especially about the life of
unfortunate humans whose countries were destroyed and exploited by the west in
the Near East and Africa regions. Thus I always tried to highlight these acts
and report about the historical correlations authentically, so I shared plenty
of articles, reports, news and videos about Syria, Palestine, the Near East or
the ISIS.
If someone
asks me in person, I can not stop talking about the arabic states, the wars of
west, the creation of ISIS, Abu Muszav al-Zarkavi or about the attackes against
yasidis or christians, about jews… about the ongoing plans of back power (top of the pyramid or Illuminati)… I do
not even continue…
But this time it is totally about something different
than the refugees.
We all know it well, that
reception or distribution can not be the solution, it only creates chaos and
destruction, furthermore it is oil to the fire, because it inspires everyone to
set forth, as the ”life quality”, ”money, flat, steed and blonde women” are
granted for free in Europe (I am writing this, because this is told for many of
them when they are roped in)….
In several articles, many times even before the occurence of the events, I wrote what the expectations were.

In consequence of the wars of the West, the
Sunni-Wahabi interests and the stupidity and open boarder politics of Europe,
we are facing with a double humanitarian catastrophe…. It both happens if they
come to Europe or if they are trapped there…
In the first case european civilization will be the
victim, in the second themselves. Sadly the wars and terrorism can not be
stopped, as these two are the most crucial elements to run the pyramid by the
elite…. and to execute the next phase….
„We decided to do something, and we let
it stand in the room for a while, to see what happens. I
f there is no great dissatisfaction, nor rebellion, because the majority of people simply does not understand, what we have decided, we go further. Step by step, untill there is no time to come back.” (Jean-Claude Juncker)
f there is no great dissatisfaction, nor rebellion, because the majority of people simply does not understand, what we have decided, we go further. Step by step, untill there is no time to come back.”
"When it becomes serious, you have to lie."
Now the main point: Why I vote for NO
At a glance, it is so obvious, that it does not need any posters nor
politicians. It is a simple yes or no question:
If the time comes, when the European Union makes the decision:
If the time comes, when the European Union makes the decision:
1. Yes, I would prefer the colonization of near-estern and african immigrants!
- 2. No, I would not prefer their colonization.
These are great words, also used by politicians, but exceptionally lots of
them now telling the same that I personally think: In connection with the events in Europe, everyone should see really clear,
that there are two options to choose from:
1. 1. Hungary needs this, and we keep the gates opened in front of the realistic threat, that was caused by the islamization of Europe.
2. 2. We do not want nor need this. We will decide if we need plenty of thousands of african or near-eastern immigrants...
Why would we make the same mistake, that one or many other countries made
and now suffering from its consiquences? If we see that where that process takes and what
great nations became on the altar of multiculturalism, I say God protect
Hungary from that….
I vote for NO, because in harmony with
my national commitment and the protection of values, I do not want to see in my
home country, what is already the reality in the suburbs of Brussels, Paris,
Stockholm, Rotterdam, Birmingham, London or Palermo. I do not want this for my
family, my loved ones or for their grandchildren. It is so simple…
I do not want to whine subsequently, like the nationally committed
west-european people, who see what Rotterdam, Malmö, Stockholm or Paris became
like! Somehow there are such districts, where an english, a french or a swedish
man looks around and asks her/himself:
„Oh my God, how did things get until this, who are these figures in my street, in our school and how can we let them to do this with my country? I would like to change this immediately!”
Europe was sacrificed on the altar of politcal
Maybe we can do something
for now! Practically the european and especially western people have lost their
instinct for life in the great spoiled confort they live in… and as a result of
the liberal-globalist brainwash and propaganda through the decades, that wanted
to turn everyone into a cosmopolitan, where nothing counts only the individum,
the individual self-development and being pushy, only for the capital and the
You can remember, when I asked the readers of VilágHelyzete back in february 2016, that how would they vote about thecolonization of immigrants to Hungary: The poll after more than 1100 people’s
answer was 1083 NO, so against and 20 YES, so agree.
A lot have happened since then and a
lots of politicans made speeches…. It can be seen clearly who represents what,
or serves what kind of interests. The only benefit of this immigration invasion
was that it has clarified the affiliation of the social and political groups
and individuals as well… Furthermore it established the opportunity for 15
million hungarian to see what would be in case of we would make the decisions….
The only positive
benefit, but the best of the best!
The only thing I can not understand, how can someone not see the difference
between the situation in western-europe - living in continous threat and uncertainity
(so any time the fanatic who-cares which generational terrorist can attack you)
and situation in Hungary? That is far not perfect of course, but compared to
Luton or Molenbeek it is ground and sky!
Why it can not be admitted that SAFETY is a great value? Actually the most
important value nowadays!
Actually this safety is partly because our southern green borders are
closed and there are no hundreds of thousands of immigrants rumbling around uncontrolled!
We do not want to establish a belgian-congo style Brussels or a suburb of Paris
in Hungary!
Who can not understand this simple fact??? Good question, right?
Or she/he understands it, but prefers to support the muslim extremists…
(and of course the plans of the puppets from the EU, who want to put an end to
the national state frames…)
For today
we are witnessing a stunning and meaningless self destruction, but we do not
have to participate in that!
The consiquence of this abnormality and
destruction can be seen in the whole Western Europe and Scandinavian region, where police not dare to act in the districts dwelled by immigrants, to
avoid getting the accusation of foreign hate... Where officers, emergency crew
and fire fighters are attacked….
"Palermo is no longer
an italian city. If you walk on the streets you can feel yourself in Beirut or
In Belgium, where it is prohibited to make a perquisiton at night in order the
respect criminals’ right for rest, or in Calais, France, where, for the
great shock of british, it is prohibited to inspect camions with x-rays to
avoid damage to the immigrants’ health.
But apart from Belgium we
could also talk about Rotterdam, Netherland…, Oslo, Norway.. etc.
Europeans exploited and destroyed the world,
and after Latin-America, the Near-East was ravaged by the USA and Israel! This
could not be done without consequences…
And the consequences
are now knocking at the entrance….
They have sent
immigrants to Europe, because they have a purpose!
The USA has ignited the civil war in Syria for 7-8
years now, but somehow the refugees (and the extremists among them) did not
came to Europe until now! Last year they started to send millions of them to
Europe knowingly and well organized!
Like pressing a button! As I said that time: Plenty of millions of dollars are spent for this immigration
plan and given in for some people in cash….
Since then it became obvious
supported by evidences (Soros), I do not have to detail it. When I first wrote
about it, it was called conspiration theory, for today it is a proven fact.
Those, who are against the PLAN are
immediately get the extremist, populist,
nazi, antisemitist, unortodox etc. attribute and then come the threats, cutting
money, etc…
It is enough to think about the fence on
the border. It was really instructive to observe the western and inland reactions.
As we could see the fence is the smallest bad, but it has still worked and working as of today as well! Until now it stopped and
diverted immigrants… Since then every normal country does the same as Hungary…
Even Austria, who attacked most the hungarian solution!
I do not think, that standing out against the colonization and uncontrolled admission of near-eastern and african immigrants, protecting the Schengen borders and the application of existing agreements would be nazi or hate generating…!
Majority in Hungary DO NOT WANTS to experience this immigration invasion
and hundreds or thousands of muslims illegally rumbling through the country
because of the posters, but maybe this time the government really represents
the opinion of the majority!
The majority of the people think sober and simply does not want to live
like the suburbs of Paris or Stockholm! Especially not like Molenbeek,
From the hungarians’
point of view the most crucial is: that the situation in Italy, Turkey or
Greece is not happening in Hungary. And never should! Is this selfishness? NO!
It is dictated by sober thinking.
In reality, the european people became a spoiled, lazy
and confortable species in a few decades, which combined with the african or
near-eastern instinct of life is a terrible and deadly combination…!
While we would think about values, laws and enlightenment, Africa and the
Near-East acts based on the simply survival and instincts. Based on the moral
and ethics, we think that they will not do something, just because we would not
do it. This is a fatal fault!
The danger mostly comes from the fact, that the illegal immigrants are a
great cover for the real islamic warriors and fanatics… But also the presence
of the IDEA, that can also infect those who are already here, to become
About 1,5 year ago I wrote, that plenty of jihadist are arriving to Europe
among the immigrants using the opened-door politics of Merkel! Back in those
day the fence on the hungarian border was not already established….
As a consequence not hundreds or thousands, but much more leaked into
Europe and made contact with the second and third generation muslims here… They arrived with the exact
goal, to make a strike on the ’faithless’, who destroyed their countries and
exterminated their families… Or at least they believe it so…
They are not just terrorist, but
soldiers, warriors, who have brought Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Lybia to
Europe. – as they promised…
„The new world order must
be established buttom-up, not top-down… At the end much more is feasible by
evading national sovereignty, and destroying step by step, than with an attack
executed face to face.”
(Richard Gardner Council on Foreign Relations -1974. april)
(Richard Gardner Council on Foreign Relations -1974. april)
Hungarians beyond the
borders, settlement bonds, Orbán, Gyurcsány, DK, Együtt, MSZP and liberals…,
little hungarian bullshit and grotesk
- hungarians also steal, and there are murders and robberies on the streets here as well
- „We also came to the Carpathians as immigrants”, therefore we have to accept anyone sent for us as well (Fodor Gábor)
- „Settlement bonds” vs. „colonization
and integration of illegal immigrants”
- Scolding hungarians beyond the borders, but
letting near-eastern and african immigrants in
In case of the colonization and integration
everyone is in a great fault, who tries to moralize or tries to answer
queastions based on moral issues, rather then focusing on the facts!
Let’s take a look at facts, that do not become a
lie, just because Viktor Orbán also said it:
1. Multiculturalism has
2. The uncontrolled
immigration of muslism brings terror as well.
1. Multiculturalism has totally failed and prepares
Europe end! ✔ TRUE!
Europe is already a multicoloured continent with rich cultural diversity thanks to the french, british, spanish, italian, russian, greek and of course hungarian culture. The islamic fundamentalism and the muslim jihad is not something that adds to the culture, but something that is extremely distructive and should be vanished, not supported!
Europe is already a multicoloured continent with rich cultural diversity thanks to the french, british, spanish, italian, russian, greek and of course hungarian culture. The islamic fundamentalism and the muslim jihad is not something that adds to the culture, but something that is extremely distructive and should be vanished, not supported!
2. Immigrations of muslism bring terror as well and the driver of terrorism
is the holly islamic war, the jihad! ✔ TRUE! Is anyone for who it is not clear and it has to be detailed? Because then
I can detail it on at least 5 additional pages, but here is the newest article for that
This topic is definately not bout the unfortunate people, who escaped from Syria, Afghanistan (not to mention those from Pakistan, Iraq,
Morocco, Lybia, Somalia, Eritrea or Nigera….)
So basically they have all the right to live in peace. I totally agree.
But not with that, that hundreds of thousand or a few millions from the Near-East
and Africa would mean no threat and definite life threat with their fanatism
and their appearance in Europe.
All this
linked with their mentality, and the despondency and unemployment caused by
living in a totally different society is a great threat for the recepting
society, because soon or later a great part of them will be activated based on the
islamic fundamentalism, when „Mohammed calls them into war’. According to the
teachings of Koran to ensure the expansion of Islam and to fight against the
Unfortunately this mostly means revenge and partly rightful revenge against
the West, as their country and their home was bombed, destroyed and pushed into
chaos by West, or terrorist groups knowingly established by the West, like
al-kaida, the ISIS or the taliben…
But the reception shall not be forced to
someone, not to us or to any other people! So they say it should be
obligatory exactly in Europe to place and integrate them, however on the other
hand the multigeneration immigrants from Morocco or Algeria could not even
integrate into their own national countries through the decades, and are living
on the periphery of the society from crime or aids, while destroying, killing
or robbing the recepting society… People and assets as well…
Not a single treaty exists, that could force any of the member states to accept
obligatory colonization regarding any crowd!
I still want to
higlight, that I am really supporting the real refugees and to help them.
Their supply must be
solved in the nearest peaceful country and they shall be supported to return to
their own country and rebuild it!
If someone does not vote just because of
obstinacy or the hate of the government, or votes for yes, or even worse is so
mentally ill, that goes to the poll and gives an invalid vote, they are really
good for nothing.
But it will ensure forever, that those
and their representatives can not and must not EVER be allowed to the near of
any controlling or decision making position. And the sober part of the
hungarians will never let that happen….
The saddest thing is that, if the
leftliberal side would be in power in Hungary, then no fence nor national
security would exist! I think that the parks of Budapest and the Keleti
Railwaystation would be still full of immigrants, like Horgos, Greece or Sicily. Because what would have stopped them? Nothing!
But that is a great irresponsibility, if the country is only saved by
„luck”, that not the left side is in power… It should not be allowed!
We can not found the future of a country or the consistency of societies based
on such!
The most degenerated and dumb example, that „Stay at home!”, „DO NOT
live with your vote right!”
A democratic party would never suggest such thing… Of course I know, that DK was never like that, but still! Politics itself is about active participation! (Gyurcsány in LONDON videó)
A democratic party would never suggest such thing… Of course I know, that DK was never like that, but still! Politics itself is about active participation! (Gyurcsány in LONDON videó)
MDF failed because of this as well… They suggested to stay home… As MSZP and
Gyurcsány suggested to stay home on the 5th of december 2004. as well on that
disgraceful referendum…
And what is really not understanded by lots of people, but came to my mind:
Could you imagine today, in Hungary, that:
- Anyone attack a hungarian policeman without a
- Anyone ignites police cars or buses just for
fun or as a part of some fight?
- A hungarian boards the Intercity with a machete
or an axe to slaughter the others?
- To stop random passers or hit girls, just
because someone finds their clothing too light and judges them based on religious
-„Hungarian hordes” going in to any pub, bar or
music store to hit the bartender or the vendor, because she/he is selling
alcohol or dirty western music?
Can you imagine?? Because I can not about a
And of course I am aware that sometimes there are
murders, robbery, or sexual abuse and family violence….
Last words, because I
spoke way more, then I should…
Since I already know and see the
reactions from the opposition side, that can be expected after the referendum,
like „not everyone went to vote” and „the opinion of the voters does not
represents the opinion of all people”, I have a message for them:
Who participates and
votes, will make the decision!
Because if the rest does not have an opinion or does not express it, they
can and maybe even shall not be helped, but after the referendum they have the
least right to criticise anything or to argue… For them it is just a pseudo-problem and a pseudo-question anyway…
On the other hand the referendum GIVES RIGHT for
the upcoming acts and the self-defense with a great power! In case of any
penalty, obligation or colonization in the air, we can protect our mother land
firmly and determined.
Why can we assume our opinion in the European Board or
BECAUSE hungarians decided:
we DO NOT WANT near-eastern and african immigrants. That’s it.
And yes, if
it will be 2 million or 4 million people who votes, that will be still the
opinion of the hungarians….
If someone have no opinion and did not even tell it, it is better if she/he
remains silent… That is democracy. Or it is possible to bark from the edge, but
the person will never have any authenticity.
Let’s go and say if she/he
- Yes, wants immigrants to be placed in Hungary
- No, does not want immigrants to be placed in Hungary.
In my opinion everyone should be capable
answering a simple yes or no question….
I will say NO, I do not want to….
And as a closure, let’s see the well known and frequently citated
presentation of Bill Warner about why nothing can be solved by migration and
the acceptance of immigrants. What is more it is more harmful than useful!
Wrote and Created by (SBG
For the english translation Great Thanks for Vera H. and Joci M. It was an enormous help for me!
FB-Page: Awakening The World
For the english translation Great Thanks for Vera H. and Joci M. It was an enormous help for me!
FB-Page: Awakening The World
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